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10 Secrets of Successful Networking on Presentica

“By morning, your pockets will have as many business cards as sand after a night on the beach”.

Industry exhibitions are a treasure trove of opportunities. Presentica, a gift exhibition to be held at Gostiny Dvor from September 19 to 21, 2024, is no exception.

The first thing everyone thinks about is sales.

But apart from that: collaboration — who will offer the best prices for parts, packaging, and delivery.

You can assess the quality on-site and talk personally to potential partners.

Or engage with your target audience. Write down their phrases immediately. Hook people with their own live phrases in advertising campaigns.

Here’s what will help you make the most out of the exhibition.

Awesome Creative Handouts: Business Cards, Catalogs, Brochures

Anything that someone might want to keep, even if it’s not immediately relevant.

A very peculiar yet relevant piece of advice: make sure the phone number and email on your business cards are correct, the QR code leads where you planned, and that all this information is included!

People sometimes forget to include their contacts on business cards, getting carried away with the design.

Find Out Who Will Attend the Exhibition

Not just names, but find photos of key people you are interested in. I once went to a business conference and realized I needed to talk to one of the speakers—the director of a large industrial enterprise who might be interested in my company’s services. But I didn’t know what he looked like! I googled his photo and found out he was sitting in the row next to me.

Since then, I prepare better and recommend everyone to do the same. If you need someone like Mishustin, make sure you know what he looks like.

I know successful salespeople who recognize all government members by face and name. Usually, they have plenty of orders and contracts.

So: list, names, and appearance – a dossier like in a detective agency.

Lure Them into Your Sales Funnel

How can you make your target audience comfortably and willingly enter your funnel?

Host a workshop or give away small souvenirs with information about your services.

A demo sample that will wow them.

Sampling, of course! What better way to promote delicious exhibitors? Only delicious texts about them (just kidding).

Photo Zone: with 80% of visitors having a photo with your logo. They all approached your stand, and if the photo zone is set up correctly, they all more or less understand who you are and what you’re about.

Have Your “Elevator Pitch” Ready

A minute to tell about yourself. Do it in a way that addresses your interlocutor’s pain points and offers a solution. Successful entrepreneurs specifically prepare and rehearse such speeches in advance.

Be Active

Participate in discussions, ask questions at sessions, and visit the stands that interest you. Don’t forget to introduce yourself, perhaps along with your company’s name and that brief story of what you do.

Don’t Be Afraid to Join Ongoing Conversations. People are generally happy to welcome new participants.

After the Exhibition

This is very important and quite obvious, but we’ve found that it’s not for everyone.

Gathered business cards? Write to everyone as quickly as you can. “Hello! We met on Saturday at Presentica. You were interested in our chocolate. When can we continue the conversation?..”

Touches Can Be Many

The B2B specifics are such that many touches may pass before a deal. The main thing is for you to be remembered at the right moment. What do you need to do for that? Add friends on social networks, comment on posts of those you need and are interested in. You can send out newsletters, share useful links, ideas, selection criteria, and everything relevant in your case.

These are very basic tips. Everyone knows them. Do they apply them? Not always. You will stand out favorably from the competition and leave with contacts and preliminary agreements for deals simply by following two points:

  1. You have a good product.
  2. You followed the instructions.

Book your stand and see you at Presentica on September 19-21, 2024, at Gostiny Dvor.

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