
Backwood is a company that creates health, sports, and leisure products from eco-friendly and natural wood, delivering across Russia and worldwide. Award-winning.

Effective back roller massagers allow improvement within a week by relieving trigger point spasms and reducing pressure on intervertebral discs. Just 7 minutes a day!

Sadhu boards with wooden spikes, flatfoot trainers, Swedish ladders, parallette bars, balance boards, gymnastics sticks, relaxation furniture like loungers and sunbeds, and much more.

You can see and try all of this at our booth.

We use only hardwoods in our production, mainly natural beech. We avoid cheap and soft woods (like linden, pine, etc.) as we aim for a product durability that lasts decades.

We use natural wax and teak oil. The product should not only be reliable but also appealing in appearance and smell. We work under the motto “eco-friendly and durable.”

Olympic champions, film stars, and celebrities use our products. Try it yourself!