Paleo Hunters

Paleo Hunters is a world of exclusive gifts and amazing works of art created by nature itself. Their beauty is whimsical and unusual, each specimen is unique, and their age is generally measured in tens of millions of years. Almost all our pieces have collectible value and can also be used as interior elements.

The central theme of the project is fossils, evidence of ancient life, taking our imagination back many millions of years to other geological eras. Alongside fossils are specimens of minerals and rocks. The collection is complemented by meteorites, in their natural form and as jewelry.

We see the popularization of scientific knowledge about our planet’s past as an important task. Our paleontological community on social media is one of the largest in Russia. In the future, we plan to organize lectures where paleontology experts will share insights about ancient worlds.

For those who dream of being a paleontologist for a day, there is an expedition direction. With us, you can go on excavation tours, offering a unique opportunity to personally find fossils up to half a billion years old!