Is 100000 for participating in the exhibition a lot or a little?
One participant of our Presentica exhibition decided to refuse a contract worth 1.5 million rubles. Whether it was a lot or a little, they decided they couldn’t handle making 1,000 daily planners. For handcrafted work, that really is quite a lot.
Did they spend the money on marketing? Yes.
Did they receive an order? Yes.
Were they satisfied? No.
And the customer was left puzzled: time was spent on negotiations, a cool gift was already chosen, an advance payment was practically set, but there’s no result.
Now let’s think about other ways to spend 100 thousand rubles to get sales.
100 thousand for a stand at Presentica — it seems expensive. You have to make a decision about it!
But you will get at least 100 visitor business cards
100 thousand for the sales department — that’s very little. Nobody will work for such a sum.
The experience of our participants shows: sales do not depend on the number of managers.
Last year, a participant at Presentica stopped doing classic sales after the exhibition. Firstly, they received so many business cards and requests that they worked with them in one way or another for several months.
Secondly, they loaded their production with new orders for the whole next year. There was simply no more room to take on more.

We still meet participants who receive million-ruble orders but are forced to refuse them. Almost all visitors to our exhibition are large companies that, when they make an order for notebooks and gifts, they do so for the entire company at once. You need to be prepared for this.
So leads and contracts will come regardless of how many salespeople you have. But you will still have to work: with presentations at the stands and later processing the requests.
A couple more words about the indirect benefits of exhibitions.
New contacts and horizons
You don’t just sell; others sell to you. And you shouldn’t be afraid of this.
For example, last year we had a company that helps to cooperate with China. New technologies, packaging, and materials can significantly reduce your product’s cost, making it more competitive or interesting. Learning about new opportunities and constantly making improvements is one of the advantages of participating in exhibitions.

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Brand image and advertising For some, the most winning participation format can be speaking or organizing a master class. Think about how many interactions you need to make to sell something? What is the path of your client?
Moreover, by purchasing a Presentica stand, participants receive minimum advertising support in newsletters and social networks.

There’s a saying: “The best cooperation is the one that didn’t happen.” You won’t have mutual claims; instead, you’ll get recommendations, new business connections. You’ll have more handshakes in circles where you didn’t have them before.
Feedback from potential clients
Why they want or do not want to buy your product is valuable knowledge for you. But even more important for forming future proposals is what your potential client is looking for. What matters to them, what they pay attention to. If not your product, then which one?
You’ll have a wonderful opportunity to talk directly to the audience.

Customer loyalty
Participating in the exhibition helps present your product to your regular clients, strengthen the brand connection, and get repeat orders. You don’t need to plan additional events; meet your clients right here. Lounge zones for communication, cafes, negotiation stands will help you.
You can get colossal benefits both by participating with a stand and as an exhibition partner. It all depends on your budget. Write to our sales department — we’ll tell you how much different types of participation and advertising options cost according to the organizer’s price list.
By the way, many of our participants book a stand for the next year right after the exhibition. Over 200 stands are already booked for this year’s exhibition. Join us too.
And don't forget to subscribe to our social networks, there are a lot of interesting things there too!